Stay Connected with Chronicles of Wasted Time

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I thought I'd write a post about the different ways you can keep up with Chronicles of Wasted Time. There are many social media platforms but the ones I chose to use are listed below.
Anybody else a big fan of Polaroid cameras?

Twitter @timechronicles
I find Twitter is the easiest way to stay connected with other bloggers and readers. I tend to tweet the links to my new posts so its easier to find them. Expect a lot of food related tweets and other musings.

Does anyone else have a routine as soon as they turn on the laptop. I do, and Bloglovin is definitely part of that routine. You can find all the blogs I enjoy reading on there and I love how easy it is to use. You can follow and keep up to date with my bloglovin here.

Instagram - chroniclesofwastedtime
I love a good TBT, FBF or MCM (FYI I only just found out what this was). Expect a variety of snaps whether it's my breakfast, what I'm reading or what's on my nails. My username is chroniclesofwastedtime

Ah Tumblr, I love it. My tumblr page is full of stuff that I love, I treat my page like an inspiration board. Full of fashion, food and interior decor inspiration. I update my Tumblr quite often and love how different it looks everytime I add more images.

I'm always replying and sending emails. So if you have a burning question and don't want to use any of the other 
platforms, I'd recommend sending an email. 

I also use Google+ and Stumbleupon, just search

I hope that makes things clearer and easier, feel free to leave your links below. 


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